Visconti, Ennio Quirino Iconographie Romaine
1818, Milan TP Giegler, 4to (30 cm.)
Forty (40) engraved plates of ancient coins and antiquities and a frontpiece engraved portrait of Visconti.
Leather spine with marbled boards and end-sheets. Binding slightly rubbed and very strong.
Contents in very fine condition.
Visconti, Ennio Quirino , 1751�1818, Italian archaeologist. He was conservator of the Capitoline Museum, Rome, and one of the
consuls of the brief Roman republic (1798). A political refugee in Paris from 1799, he became curator of antiquities at the
Louvre (1799) and professor and member of the Institut de France (1803). He wrote Iconographie grecque (1808) and the first
volume of Iconographie romaine (4 vol., 1817�26), which was completed by Antoine Mongez. His father, Giovanni Battista Antonio
Visconti,. 1722�84, was prefect of antiquities at Rome from 1768. He reorganized the Museo Pio-Clementino at the Vatican and
edited the first volume of its noted catalog with the assistance of his son, who continued the work alone.
Inghirami, Francesco Monumenti etruschi o di etrusco nome (Plates of Specchi Mistici)
1826, Fiesole, Italy, Poligrafia fiesolama, (29 x 22 cm.)
Ninety (90) full page engravings of Etruscan mirrors, 8 of which are hand colored.
Francesco Inghirami (1772-1846) was a noted Italian arhaelogist from a noble Tuscan family based in Fiesole. He became interested
in Etruscan antiquities as a young boy staying with his uncle, Domenico Venuti, director of the Museo Borbonico. Inghirami was
librarian of the public library at Volterra and later the Biblioteca Marcelliana in Florence. The entire Monumenti Etruschi consists of 7 volumes
self-published by Inghirami in Fiesola and had an edition of only 350 copies.
Modern and uninspired binding is solid, deserves better.
Some damp-staining and occasional foxing mostly outside of images. Ex University library with a library marks outside of images
A rare, important and beautiful volume on Etruscan Arhaeology.
Tacitus, Cornelius The works of Cornelius Tacitus translated by Arthur Murphy in 5 volumes
1830-31, London, Henry Colburn & Richard Bently (6 3/8 X 4 1/8 in.)
A very nice set bound mid 20th century by Joseph Ruzicka Bookbinders, Baltimore.
Text and bindings very sound. Armoral bookplate in every volume.
Cramer, John Anthony
A geographical and historical description of Asia two volumes
1832, Oxford University Press, (22x14 cm.)
Beautifully bound in period full burl-leather with raised bands and gilt and having marbled end papers and edges.
These volumes are in exceptionally fine condition. No map as usual. Title foil is missing on one volume. (see pictures)
Pages bright with no foxing.
Classically theme bookplates of Frank T. McNally
Very Rare
The Reverend Cramer was a well-traveled English scholar and geographer.