Celt-Iberian Coinage
The Celtiberian language and culture have traditionally been seated between the Tagus and Iberus rivers in central Spain. The
Celtic artistic influence; however, reached further into the present-day Andalucia region in southern Spain,
where historically the Greek, Phonecian and finally Roman influences have predominated. The coins offered here reflect
this influence in both theme and style from the southern cities of Carduba, Obulco, Castulo and Carteia.
Iberian bronze coinage is not as thoroughly cataloged as the Greek and Roman series. One of the best modern
references is Leandre Villaronga's Corpus Nummum Hispaniae Ante Augusti Aetatem, which is utilized here. Many of the coins
in the present offering are unattributed or only tentatively attributed; this reflects the limitations of this cataloger
but is also a challenge and opportunity to the collector.