Primo Siciliano

Greek Sicily

Greek Italy

Other Greek



Artis Opus Gallery specializes in ancient coinage from Greek Sicily and Southern Italy---The ancient Magna Graecia or Greater Greece {see below.}

*All coins are sold with a lifetime guarantee of authenticity.
*You may return a coins for any reason within 14 days of receipt.
*All prices include shipping and insurance within the U.S.
*Ask about discounts for 2 or more items

Most coins are from my personal collection acquired over more than a decade. If you have any questions please email me.

Michael Sikora

Coins of Magna Graecia

The ancient Magna Graecia or "Greater Greece" is the area West of modern Greece encompassing Southern Italy and Sicily. The first Greek "colony" of Ischia was established in the 8th century B.C. Within a few centuries the coastlines of the area was dotted with scores of Greek settlements. The history of Magna Graecia is filled with great mecantile success, primarily due to the rich agricultural hinterland wrestled from the native peoples.

This wealth brought artists from all ports of the Greek-speaking world. What more natural way for a proud and proto-capitalistic society, filled with plunderers in the form of mercenaries and sly rhetoricians to express their aesthetic sense , than to hire the best artists to design their money? More-so than in the homeland, wealth among the landless was not a contradiction. The history of Magna Graecia is one of great upheaval and tyrannical rule where great temples were built to sooth the souls of butchers of men; but their spirit was really in the loot.

Art historians sometimes speak of Western Greek art as derivative of the products of the Classical period in the homeland; but in the fields of architecture and especially numismatic art, the colonists produced in their Classical period some of the masterpieces of Western civilization.

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